Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Donate for Dax

I've written before about the 2 year old boy, Dax Locke, who lives in our town and was terminally ill with Leukemia. He passed away early this morning and my heart just aches for his family. I cannot imagine the pain felt after losing a child. It's just so sad. The family has set a goal of trying to raise enough money to run St. Jude for one day and they have already raised over $44,000. I encourage any of you to donate if you are financially able. Here is a link to Dax's tribute page where donations can be made:


I have managed to get all my indoor Christmas decorations taken down. I love decorating for the holidays, but I'm always ready to get it put away by the end of the holiday season. We need to do the outdoor lights still, but since we hung them in October in honor of Dax it just seems sad to remove them.

Given the circumstances of the day, I wanted to cherish every moment with my kids today. I played a never ending game of Monopoly with Connor and Lindsey this morning and then took them bowling this afternoon. We had a great time and a fun day.


momandadcharlton said...

You need to cherish every moment you have with those children. They will be your memories before you know and you will sit back and laugh at all the funny times and be sad that they passed so fast. I know at times they seem like such a trial, but trust me, you will wish for them back one day. Love all of you.