Saturday, February 06, 2010

He Shoots - He SCORES!!

Connor had his second basketball game of the season today. He has gotten so much better since last year. He still needs to work on his offensive game, but he is a great defender. This was a great game for him as you will see further below...

What an exciting game for Connor today. He made his first basket!!! AND...we captured it all on film! The one thing I LOVE about our new camera is that you can take multiple pictures within seconds. Connor has made baskets before, but never during a game. I wish Wayne would have gotten a shot of the look he gave us after he ran down the court. He looked at us like "WOW...did I just do that?!" It was hysterical. Here is the shot sequence of his first basket!


Tiffany said...

that's awesome, how exciting for him!

Laura said...

YAY!! Congrats to Connor!