Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 10

So, today is the 10th day of this virus I have. Guess what...I'm finally getting better. I'm not better yet, but I'm pretty sure I'm through the worst of it. Today is the first day I woke up with NO new sores in my mouth. Praise God!! I cannot even begin to explain how utterly painful the past week has been for me. I've been to 3 doctor appointments, been on 5 prescription medicines, and 4 over the counter medicines. It's crazy. I took pain pills until I was completely sick to my stomach just trying to get some relief. I pray that no one else gets this...ever!! I don't think I've been that desperate to get relief since I was in labor with Isaac...and I'm not exaggerating. It was really just that awful. So enough complaining, I'm just happy that today I can control my pain with only Motrin and I'm able to eat soft solid foods again after being on a liquid diet most of the past week. Although...I just may miss those milkshakes some...LOL!

Lindsey is doing well with her life on crutches. She's getting around good and we've mastered all things that come with a leg that cannot get wet or be walked on. She is going back to the doctor this Thursday. I'm not sure what will happen at that appointment, but I would love it if she could get a plastic splint of some sort or just an ace wrap so we could at least go to the pool and she could dip her feet in the water. I just can't bring myself to make her go to the pool and just sit. That would be mean! However, I'm not up to going and doing much just yet. Maybe in a few more days. I called the park district today to un-enroll her in the summer tumbling program since she won't be doing any of that for quite a while.

We had Sarah and Rachel here for the weekend. Despite my not feeling well, it went very smoothly. The girls were great and all the kids had fun playing together. It's getting easier having 5 kids in the house now that Isaac and the girls are a little older and talking. We had fun.


Mary said...

Thank god!!!