Wednesday, June 09, 2010


So, here it is 1:30 AM and I'm blogging. I am so miserable!! I've had a sore throat since Saturday evening and it is only getting worse by the day. Tonight I cannot even sleep because it is so sore. I wince every single time I need to swallow. It just hurts so much. I'm already taking more motrin and tylenol than I'm supposed to take and I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to move onto something stronger tomorrow. I am desperate for relief! I cannot remember ever having a throat this sore in my life. I'm debating going to see the doctor again tomorrow. I went to quick care on Monday and had a strep culture done and it was negative. So she assumed it was viral. I am so uncomfortable that I just may go see Dr. Boley on Thursday. This just seems like more than a viral sore throat kinda thing and at this point I just need relief.

Sorry to be a big whiner!!! I just want to be better.