Monday, June 28, 2010

Summer Days

I finally feel like we are in a summer routine and I'm loving it! It's so nice getting to have lazy mornings and not having to rush getting the kids out the door by 7:30. We have been spending a few hours at the pool most days and enjoy seeing our friends there most days. Isaac had his last baseball game yesterday and Connor finishes up this week.

I decided to spend the 4th of July holiday at my parents camper in Ohio. They have a camper and boat down on the Ohio river. The kids LOVE going there so I really wanted to find a time to go this summer. So, this weekend we are going. I'm leaving Friday morning and I'm not sure when I'm coming back. I'm probably just going to leave it open ended and head home whenever we feel ready. The kids are so, so, so excited!!!!! They are already talking about roasting marshmallows and having a hot dog roast. They can hardly wait.

We don't have a lot going on this week, but after we get back from Ohio things will start to get really busy for us in July. We have bible school, cross training, doctor appointments and then our vacation to the beach at the end of the month. I cannot wait!! I love the resort we go to.