Friday, July 16, 2010

Away we go....again!

Sorry for my lack of updates this week. We've been busy unpacking, going to VBS and repacking for our trip to the beach.

The kids have been going to Bible School at Crossroads UMC this year and they are having a blast. There are hundreds of kids there and I'm amazed at the organization and amount of volunteers they have servicing this church. I'm thankful my kids could be a part of such a fun week of VBS.

Connor had his baseball tournament this week. We really thought his team could have won it all. The first game was a total blowout. The second game was looking the same until his coach put a bunch of kids who can't field a ball in the same area of the field and they hit one ball after another to that group of kids. They scored 9 runs on us during that one inning. More than the entire rest of the game. That tied up the game and then we went into 2 extra innings and they were the first to score one run. Oh well. Connor took the loss really well and we started looking forward to vacation.

We are leaving this afternoon for South Carolina. We are staying at the Litchfield Beach and Golf resort again this year. We love it there so much. We are meeting my parents, my brother and his family down there this year. We rented a 4 bedroom place and we are all looking forward to some lazy days in the sun to relax. We will get back home on July 26.