Thursday, July 08, 2010

Our First Full Day Camping

We started our camping trip out in just the right way. We did puzzles, played games and had a fabulous breakfast. Nothing is as good as bacon on the grill!!

After breakfast, we cleaned up and headed out to the boat for the afternoon. I didn't take the camera out for this first trip because I didn't know if it would get wet on the boat. We all went tubing. First I went alone, then with each of the kids. We had fun, but didn't do anything to wild and crazy. We were waiting for my niece, Samantha, to come and get wild on the tube with the kids. She was a little delayed because she got attacked by a swarm of yellow jackets that morning. Poor thing was stung multiple times, but she made it to the camper in time for dinner and the kids were so happy to see her.

We ended the day with a fireworks display that the kids loved!