Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Full Contact Football

Connor had his first full contact football practice. I have to admit, it was not what I expected. I've grown up around football all my life and I'm used to hearing a crunching sound when two people hit. Well...let's just say this was more like watching two boys bear hug each other.

I'm sure it's hard for them when all their lives they've been told not to be aggressive and to keep their hands to themselves and be nice. Now someone is telling them to go hit someone...hard...and not feel bad about it. Connor came over at one point and said "I'm just having a hard time hitting someone. It feels mean." As the practice went on, the boys were getting a little tougher with each other, but it was still pretty gentle in my opinion. That's good, I guess...they need to sorta ease into this contact thing.

Also, Connor looks SO funny with his shoulder pads on. They are HUGE...so wide!!! Makes me laugh.