Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Still Busy

Well, we are still moving along in this crazy fall time!! Last week was our busiest yet. We had soccer every night of the week for either Lindsey or Isaac and football every night for Connor. Saturday we had 3 games to attend and on top of that we had lots of other little things going on all week. Thankfully, now that games have begun, we can ease up on practices some. Football drops to only 4 nights a week instead of 4, Isaac's soccer goes from 2 nights to 1 and Lindsey stays the same. They all Saturday games, but we are lucky that Connor's are late in the afternoon and the soccer games are early morning.

Games this week went okay, but not fabulous. Isaac promised he would score me a goal. He sure did...He picked the ball up with his hands, set it down in front of the goal net and kicked in it. LOL! He even kicked a second one...right into the other teams net! We laughed. I guess that is what U5 soccer is all about. Lindsey tried hard, but her team isn't all that fabulous...LOL! I had fun watching her, though. Connor is still having some struggles with football. He's still afraid to tackle someone, so his game was pretty bad. He missed some tackles and was pretty upset with himself. We talked more about it over the weekend and Wayne said he actually went after someone at practice last night. He didn't tackle him all the way because he didn't wrap him up good, but he slowed him down for sure. This is the closest yet he's come to a "real" tackle, so hopefully he will continue to improve.

School seems to be going well for everyone. Lindsey is flying threw everything bringing home a little work each night. Connor is struggling a bit more and is bringing a good bit home each night. That is mostly because I told him if he wasn't going to ask questions to his teachers, he needed to bring home things that confused him so I could help. He's mostly just having problems with reading, which is normal for him. Isaac is loving school. He learned the letter "A" this week and was so proud to show me the ones he wrote on his paper. I'm glad he is enjoying school this year!


momandadcharlton said...

Better be careful, Isaac may pass both of the others up.