Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mom Update

Sorry it has taken me a while to update. I was seriously so upset most of the weekend that I didn't do much of anything. But, I did pack a suitcase 3 times and look up flights to ohio about 2 dozen times....ugh!

The good news is that my Mom was discharged from the Cleveland Clinic and seems to be doing relatively well for now. The only change they made was adding a new medication to her regiment to see if her constant stomach problems could be at all related to her Mastocytosis., which is the presence of too many Mast cells in your body. My mom was diagnosed with this rare disorder years ago, but they have had a hard time tracking it down to a specific part of her body, other than her skin. They had a thought that maybe she has too many mast cells built up in her gut and that when she eats certain foods, the mast cells are upset and that causes the vomiting. So far it's looking good because she hasn't thrown up since coming home from the Clinic. Regardless, she still needs her hiatal hernia repaired, but maybe this could be the answer to her constant sickness, aspiration, pneumonia cycle recently.

I guess I should put the bad news on here for those who only read my blog and aren't aware of this. The Thorasic surgeon at the Clinic turned out to be a HUGE jerk who apparently only operates on people he deems worthy. He basically told my Mom that there was no chance ever that he would do this surgery for her and if you asked her today, she'd tell you if he was the last surgeon on earth, she would die before letting him work on her. So, she and her doctors are looking at options right now for the hernia repair. My favorite thing he said to show his ignorance was "Most of the patients on MY floor are on Albuterol and that just won't work with you now will it." That is about as ignorant is telling someone who is allergic to a certain antibiotic that it is their only option and they take it or get nothing else. What an idiot!!