Friday, June 11, 2010


Today is Isaac's 4th Birthday. WOW!! In some ways it seems like it has gone by so quickly, but in other ways it seems like he's been with us forever and it's hard to imagine our family without him. He was the final piece to our family puzzle that for so many years we didn't even know we wanted. I love that boy so much. He was so challenging the first few years, but I think he is turning out to be quite an awesome little boy. Enjoy a little walk down memory lane:

Isaac just a few days old. Can you believe all that dark hair??

Age 1

Age 2

Age 3

An update on me: I'm no better than the last time I posted. Actually, I'm probably worse. I've been to the doctor two more times. One was unsure the source of my throat infection but said it had spread to my neck lymph nodes. He gave me some strong pain meds and antibiotics. The second doctor, my primary doc, thinks I have an adult form of the kids hand, foot and mouth disease or something close. He is adding anti viral meds to the list and gave me a lidocaine mouth rinse to the mix. The worst news of all is that he said this will last 7-14 days. I wanted to cry right there in the office. But, he said the good news is that I should be at my peak now at day 7 and shouldn't get any worse, so that is good news, right? I'm trying to be optimistic.

Now, onto more bad news...Lindsey sprained her ankle yesterday. She was playing at the neighbors on the slip and slide and fell. She cried some and said it really hurt and she kinda limped around but kept playing. As the evening went on she complained more and more and we iced it most of the evening. By the time she went to bed,I elevated it under a pillow and I was pretty sure, but not 100%, that we would need to see a doctor in the morning. Well, at 12:30 I heard her screaming and crying for me from her room. Lucky for her I was awake already due to my own problems, so she didn't have to yell much. She had tried to get up to pee and couldn't put any weight on her ankle. So, Wayne carried her to the bathroom while I got her some motrin. We headed to prompt care this morning. X-rays showed no fracture, Thank God, but she has a pretty bad sprain. They think she hyper-extended it when she landed on it. She has a half cast wrapped in a few ace bandages and is on crutches. She goes back to the doctor in about a week to check the progress. She isn't supposed to walk on it AT ALL until then. Hopefully it will heal quickly. Here is a picture of her from today.