Tuesday, June 15, 2010

On With Summer!

I made it through the day yesterday with only 2 Motrin every 6 hours for pain. Huge change from the middle/end of last week when I was taking 2 Narcotic pain pills every 6 hours with 4 Motrin in the middle. No wonder I was so out of it by the end of last week...LOL. I have tons of little white spots in my throat now which are just healing sores, but they don't really hurt anymore. Today I was even able to eat hard solid foods at lunch...a first! So, I'm essentially back to normal with just a little irritation in my throat that is NOTHING compared to where I was a week ago.

So yesterday I made a mental pact with myself that I would give myself the day to rest and relax and then move forward today and put this crappy start to summer behind us! Our summer has been off to a very bad start with Isaac being sick, me being sick and then Lindsey getting hurt. But, Isaac and I are better now and Lindsey...well who knows how long that will take!! So, we started our morning off with a bang. We were off to the park at 8 AM for a little picnic breakfast. The kids loved it and I was happy to be outdoors doing something before it gets too hot and humid or rains again. Tomorrow I'm taking the kids to the Children's Museum in Normal. It looks like there is quite a bit to do, so I think we'll have a great time. I just hope Lindsey doesn't get too tired. Figures I just sold our wagon at a garage sale...I could have used that right about now. Oh well...

Connor has a baseball game tonight, but it looks like there is a good chance it will get rained out. I hope not...I really enjoy watching his team play. They are doing really good and having so much fun. There was a little boy at the last game that struck out and when he did, he slammed his bat down on home plate, threw his helmet across the dugout and then threw him bat. I seriously wanted to get up and smack him myself. If Connor would have done that, he would have gotten one massive talking too. This kids dad wasn't phased by it one bit. So, the next time he was up to bat I said (a little loudly) "I hope he doesn't strike out again...God knows what he'll do if it happens again." I felt kinda rude, but his behavior was completely unacceptable and no one even addressed it. I know if Wayne was coaching he would have talked to him about it, but this coach just ignored it completely. Oh well...