Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Fun morning

Today was fun. I dropped the kids at school, ran a few errands with Isaac and then we went to visit with Mary and Ryan for a while. After that, we headed home to watch my neighbor, Nick, while his mom took their baby to the doctor. Isaac enjoyed his time with both boys and was so tired by nap time! He just woke up and we're watching an episode of Thomas while I debate whether it is nice enough to go play outside for a bit. It's chilly, but so sunny!

Last Friday, I had parent/teacher conferences with Connor's and Lindsey's teachers. It was so nice to get really, really great reports from both teachers. Both kids are very well behaved in school and are well liked by their peers. They both got all A's and one B on their first report cards this year, so they are doing well academically too. I'm so proud of them both.

Isaac continues to LOVE his new preschool. So glad we made the change!! Now he is actually disappointed on the days he doesn't get to go to school. What a difference!