Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Today has been a boring day! I had plans to meet some friends at a local church that hosts a play time, however, the freezing rain began early and our plans were canceled. Bummer!! So, instead Isaac and I just hung around the house today. We played games and did puzzles. Poor kid seems so bored at home with me lately!

The only place I went today was to the kids school. Connor left his backpack and lunch at home, so I had to run it up to him. When I was leaving, I gave him a hug and kiss and he informed me that I was not supposed to do that at school anymore. It made me so sad!! He's growing up and doesn't want mom kisses in public anymore. Oh least I can still snuggle with him at home. It seriously did break my heart, though. My kids are growing up so fast...where does time go?!?!

Nothing else too exciting going on the rest of the week. This weekend, Lindsey has her big piano concert and I'm looking forward to it. She's been practicing for this for 4 months, so I hope everything goes well for her. She's a bit nervous, but I'm sure she'll do great. She knows these songs really well.