Saturday, January 23, 2010

Monster Concert

Today was a very big and exciting day for Lindsey. It was Monster Concert! She has been attending monthly practices for this piano recital for 4 months. It was a duet piece with 11-12 pianos all playing at once. So, 22-24 people all playing sync...for the most part. It was a great show. She played two songs, Skip To My Lou and Coming Round The Mountain. Here are some pictures from the dress rehearsal and show. She looked stunning and we were so very proud of her tonight.

The pictures aren't the greatest...sorry! That darn theater lighting makes it hard to get good shots, but we did our best.


Tiffany said...

She looks beautiful! How exciting for her :)

momandadcharlton said...

Lindsey looks absolutely beautiful. I think it's time to lock her up before she gets any older and boys start to notice. *smile* I didn't realize how many were playing in the concert. I would think it would be difficult to have played in synch with others. She must have practiced very hard. Good job Lindsey!

Michelle said...

She did practice really hard! She worked on her songs for 4 months and knew them very well. The large group of kids met once a month for 4 months with their conductor to work on keeping tempo and staying in sync with one another. They did really good!

Mary said...

Glad it went well. All that practice was a lot of work for a beginner and you should be proud of her (I know you are!)