Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Go Colts!!


I'm so excited!!!! Obviously, we are having a Super Bowl party! Fun!!!!

So, that made my weekend complete. We spent almost all day Sunday watching football and I loved every minute of it. With college football done and only the super bowl left in NFL, I'm already starting to feel a bit depressed about the coming weekends. I really, really do enjoy watching football on Saturdays and Sundays. Oh well...at least it's been an awesome season and hopefully the Colts will end with a victory just like Ohio State. GO COLTS!!

I also need to throw out a prayer request that is of a serious nature. My poor, poor mom... As you all know, she had surgery in the fall to remove a lesion on her skull. That same day that found a lesion on her lung which they are just watching for the time being because it's not changed at all. Then later that week she had a bowel obstruction. Fast forward a month or two and she H1N1 and pneumonia followed up a few weeks later with what they think may have been a mini stroke. She's been hospitalized 3 or 4 (I've seriously lost count) times since August and she needs and DESERVES a break!

Well, she has been seeing a neurologist since this stroke-like event occurred and her motor skills have not been up to par. She tried to explain to him that this was normal for her...I mean, seriously...my mom has been know to regularly run into those **You are here** signs at the mall...LOL...LOVE YOU MOM!

Anyway, He ordered an MRI of the lumbar region of her back to see if she had spinal damage that was causing the motor problems. She has a history of back problems and they wanted to see the severity of the damage. Well, the MRI showed another possible lesion, this time on her spinal cord, which they referred to as a "drop lesion" between T11 & T12. I say possible lesion because at this point they aren't positive. They saw this spot which is in the Thoracic area of the spine, which is just above the Lumbar region. Since her MRI was specific to the Lumbar region, they could only blow up the images of that area and were unable to get a really good image of this suspected lesion. So, on Feb. 4th she goes for an MRI of the Thoracic region of her spine and goes back to the neurosurgeon who did her last surgery to get the results on the 5th.

PLEASE say a prayer for my mom that everything will be okay and this spot will be nothing! She really, really needs a break. She works so hard and tries so hard and is such an awesome person. She doesn't deserve all this bad luck she's endured lately.


momandadcharlton said...

Thanks Michelle. I really do appreciate any prayers, but I am confident that God doesn't give more than you can take, and he knows that I can't take much more. I feel good that everything will be ok, and to say I'm not worried ... well, that would be a lie, but I really am sure that things will be ok. I love my neurosurgeon and am confident whatever is there he will take care of.