Thursday, February 04, 2010

Goodbye Naps

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I really just haven't had much to say. The biggest news around here is that Isaac is done napping. I'm sad! He has been really struggling to fall asleep at night the past month or two, so I thought maybe I would get rid of his nap and see how he does. He's on day 3 of no naps and he's doing just fine. He's been very well behaved with no meltdowns, so I guess he really was ready. I'm sure he will still need a nap once or maybe twice a week, but I'm just going to take it a day at a time right now.

We have a super busy weekend coming up, so I feel like today is the calm before the storm...LOL! Wayne is taking Lindsey to a daddy/daughter dance tomorrow night. Then, Saturday morning is "daddy day" at Isaac's school, Connor has a basketball game and then Wayne is taking both boys to Monster Jam. Sunday is our Super Bowl party, so I've got plenty to do around the house to stay busy.


Mary said...

Goodbye naps here too. So far, so good. I make him have "rest time" though.