Thursday, January 14, 2010

Preschool Conference

Today was Isaac's preschool parent/teacher conference. It went very well. They had nothing but good things to say about him, so I was thrilled. I was a little nervous with him after the Christmas Concert when he was totally goofing off.

After conferences I met with my friend Tiffany and her twin boys, Connor and Drew. They are in Isaac's class. We had a nice lunch at Avantis...yummy!

Our roofer has not been back. I spoke with him this morning and asked him to please come by today to see if it was safe to get on the roof yet. It's been so warm the past few days and a lot of snow was melting. Luckily we haven't had anything more melt into the house but I did hear it dripping above the bedroom, so I'm sure the attic is wet. I'll be happy when this is all behind us!!