Monday, January 11, 2010


Geez, the past few weeks have been rough! Between the van, the roof and the computer problems we've had I'm ready for things to turn around!!! So, I'm starting today with a positive attitude and hoping all the problems are behind us.

I got my van fixed on Saturday. I had to get an entirely new bumper, painted and all. It only ended up costing us $650, so I didn't think that was too bad considering what we needed repaired. I wasn't thrilled to spend that money on a new bumper, but it could have cost much more, so I was grateful. It looks as good as new now, so I can put that little incident behind me now. **stupid concrete parking block** I had to laugh, when we got to the dealership to pick up the van, They had it pulled up facing the dealership building and there was a parking block between the van and the building. Lindsey says to me "Mom, just in case you didn't see it...there is a concrete block in front of us, so don't go forward." It was funny...Thanks Lindsey because without her help I would have ran straight into the dealership...LOL! I told her thanks for letting me know, but I was planning to back up.

Today a roofer is supposed to come and evaluate that situation. The outdoor temps are on the rise, so I feel like it's only a matter of time until we have water again. We'll see... Wayne did caulk an area which he thinks may have been causing the problem, but I won't be convinced until the snow on the roof melts away without coming inside the house!!!!!! I'm anxious to see what the roofer has to say. He isn't the one who did our roof...that guy is retired now.

On to the computer...We got word yesterday that our hard drive is completely toast and nothing can be recovered from it. They have tried everything. I'm thankful to a guy from our church, Brian, who has really tried working on it. He sent it off to a data recovery center and they weren't able to help either. So, he's going to try to help me get all the pictures off this blog so we can save them. When I right click on them and save them, they are too low of a resolution to print. He thinks there is a way around that and I hope he's right because these are the only pictures we have right now!!!

We have a huge favor to ask of all our family and friends...If you have any pictures of our family, can you please send them to us. You can put them on a CD, flash drive or just email them if you only have a few. We are hoping that through all of you, we can start to get back some of what we have lost. We are so sad as we lost pictures of so many family vacations and memorable occasions that no one has but us, but at least we can get some evidence that our family existed prior to 2010.