Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Winter Stinks!!

Just when I thought I was getting used to living up North again, which has taken 3 years, we have another housing crisis that reminds me of why I hate winter!!!! About 1:30 PM, All the smoke detectors in the house started going off and water was pouring out of the one in my master bedroom. Lovely, right?! I called Wayne and told him to get home ASAP to investigate. We figured out how to get the alarms to stop going off...which was really loud and annoying...and then we started having water come out of one of the lights in our great room. He went up and inspected the attic. We aren't entirely sure of the problem or repair at this point. He did find an area along a vent that was pretty moist, so he caulked it (thanks Luke for the caulk) quick on the inside and out. However, there was significant moisture coming down from all the nails on the inside of the roof. We are lucky that it is colder again this evening and until it gets warm and sunny again we shouldn't have any more moisture. But, it will happen again when things begin to thaw. Hopefully before that happens we will have a more direct plan of attack and we can make any necessary repairs.

I'm sad though because I really thought we had worked out all the kinks in this house after almost 2 years. We hadn't had any problems in months and months...which is very unlike the first year of non stop issues.

Oh well...enough griping!

The kids have easily gotten back into their routine of school this week. They were so happy to see their friends and teachers and Isaac could hardly wait to tell his teachers that he learned to "pee standing up" during Christmas break. I laughed. As soon as his teacher opened the door, he ran straight to her and told her. I'm sure she was like, "okay, then." She and I laughed about it, but he was excited to tell her of his new accomplishment.

Connor started guitar lessons again this week. He and I weren't really happy with the amount of time Wayne was committing to lessons, so I decided to just get him his own teacher because he really wants to learn and Wayne just doesn't have the time for it right now. Maybe down the road Connor can teach Wayne.