Monday, March 15, 2010

Busy Morning

I finally have a chance to sit down. It's been a busy morning. I had several things around the house that I needed to get down and a mound of weekend laundry to tackle.

Our weekend went well. We got up to Manteno around dinner time Friday. We spent the evening at Lolly and Doug's house visiting with family and remembering Tim, which was nice. We headed back to the hotel around 7 so we could have some time for the kids to swim at the pool. As we arrived back there, we saw buses in the parking lot. Ugh! That is my least favorite thing to see at a hotel. There was easy over a hundred high school kids. We went ahead and headed down to the pool but we didn't stay long. The pool was not very big and it was full of kids and they were just being too rough and I didn't feel safe having my kids in there with them. They weren't happy to have to leave, but I promised them a trip to Five Pts. to swim.

The funeral on Saturday was nice. It was like no funeral I've been to before. The majority of the funeral was 6 different people talking about Wayne's cousin, Tim, and how they will remember him. Wayne was one of the people who spoke and he did an excellent job, as did everyone else. One of the people who spoke was the 9 year old best friend and former neighbor of Tim's daughter. I thought she summed things up well when she said "when you were playing with Tim you forgot he was even an adult." Tim loved and lived big. We will truly miss him!

This afternoon I am taking Isaac to Nickelodeon live at the Peoria Civic Center. It is supposed to have many of Isaac's favorite cartoon characters. I hope he has fun!!