Friday, March 12, 2010


What a week in our house. I am thankful that we have had no further bat sightings and the kids seem to finally be over it. They were pretty shaken up by that entire ordeal!!

I have tons to do today, but I'm being lazy and procrastinating. I'm picking the kids up from school early and we are leaving for Manteno, IL for Wayne's cousins memorial service tomorrow. It will be a sad event, but his family it trying to keep it as upbeat as possible as Tim was a joyful individual who always made you smile and I don't think he would want us to feel such sorrow. Wayne is speaking at the funeral. He is such a good speaker so I'm sure he will do a good job. I do really look forward to seeing family this weekend. I adore the people who we will be spending the weekend with and look forward to spending some time with them!

We should be home sometime tomorrow night, but since we have small group here on Sunday, I need to get my house cleaned before leaving today...hence what I'm procrastinating about! Ugh! Well, this house won't clean itself and my cleaning fairy hasn't arrived yet, so I better get going. Fun, Fun!!