Tuesday, March 09, 2010

The Bat Cave

Wow...we have had an eventful week in the Sinks house!! When Wayne and I were moving the media cabinet from the garage into our house on Sunday evening, a bat flew in the front door. We didn't see it happen, but a few minutes later Lindsey saw it and we assume that is how it got in. The kids and I hide in the game room while Wayne ran around doing bird calls and swinging at it with a broom. He couldn't see it anymore, so he assumed it flew back out the open door. End of story, right? WRONG!!

Fast forward to Monday morning and at 6:45, Lindsey comes running into my room hysterically sobbing that the bat is in her room flying around, slamming into walls and the window. I closed her door, closed the boys door, gathered the kids and closed my bedroom door and called Wayne to come back home from work. He looked all around the kids rooms and found nothing. He believes that Lindsey just had a very realistic dream due to being freaked out the night before and heads back to work. I told him that if it reappeared he would have to come back home and he agreed. So, he left.

I spent all day at home yesterday on "bat watch." I saw and heard nothing...nothing!!! So, I start to think that maybe Wayne was right and it was a dream Lindsey had this morning. Then, last evening, we notice that the glass candle holder on Lindsey's dresser was broken. I knew for a fact that it wasn't broken the day before when I put her laundry away. So I start again thinking that maybe there is a bat in the house still. To put my mind and Lindsey's mind at ease, she and I searched all the bedrooms with a flashlight and broom. We looked so good and still found nothing. So, I decided that I needed to stop being ridiculous. Obviously the bat was gone.

Lindsey still refused to sleep in her bedroom because she was scared, so Isaac slept in Lindsey's room and Lindsey slept in Isaac's bed. It was funny. Isaac said "I'll sleep in your bed sissy. If I see the bird I will just talk to it and say Ca-Caw." We would soon learn that Lindsey should have just stayed in her own room.

Well...at about 11 PM, Connor came into our room to go to the bathroom. The kids were totally freaked out about the bat thing, so when he asked Wayne to walk him back to bed Wayne agreed. Apparently when they went back into the boys room, the bat flew right at them. I heard screams, which Wayne says were Connor...and a little bit him too...LOL! Wayne grabbed Lindsey and told her and Connor to get to our bedroom and close the door. About 15 minutes and lots of banging later, Wayne reemerged from the boys room and declared the bat dead. He disposed of it on the farm behind our house. Thank God it's gone!

The is a moment we will remember forever. Hopefully we will never experience it again. Once was enough!!