Sunday, March 07, 2010

It's Done!!

Our Media Cabinet for the kids game room is DONE! It looks awesome. It's not perfect, but for our first ever wood building's not too shabby either. We still need to fill the nail holes with wood putty, but we can do that some other time. Here is the final project:

Pottery Barn Version: $799 + Tax + Shipping

Our Version: $79.91 + Loads of Love!

Today wasn't too exciting of a day. I headed to visit Laura at OSF again this morning while Wayne took the kids and went to church. They had to keep her an extra day, but she got home this afternoon. Connor had a basketball game at 3:00 and other than that, the only thing we did today was finish up this media unit. Another exciting day at the Sinks house!


momandadcharlton said...

It looks great. I think I should adopt Wayne to do some work at my house.

Tiffany said...

love it! looks great :)