Saturday, March 27, 2010

Rip Rider's

We got each of the kids a Rip Rider 360 for Christmas. We finally got around to getting them all put together today. We put one together on Christmas, but still had the other 2 in boxes. The kids had such a good time playing with them. Isaac is no where near the recommended age for this toy, but we knew he would want one too. They love them!! If you aren't familiar with what these do, you can watch this little video below. It's basically like a tricycle on caster wheels, so they spin like crazy.

The kids and their new toys terrorizing the neighborhood.

and...we all fall down!!

Then Wayne decided that he needed in on the action. I have to admit, they do look pretty fun!

You MUST, MUST, MUST click on this to blow it up and better see his face...LOL!!

...this is what happened next. Oh, we laughed so hard!!

I have to say...if we make it through this summer without any broken will be by the grace of God! My kids are nuts!!