Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Big Surprise!!!

So, today Wayne came home from work and we had a conversation that went something like this:

Wayne: So, how about going on a trip with me in about 2 weeks?

Me: Sounds wonderful, where are we going?

Wayne: Mexico, Riviera Maya to be exact. We fly out of Cleveland on the 7th. Your parents are keeping the kids.

Me: Ha Ha...funny! It's not fair to tease like that.

He spent the next several minutes trying to convince me that he was serious before calling my mom to have her confirm. Then, I saw our passports sitting there on the kitchen counter and realized that he was for real!!! (he usually keeps my passport at his office along with his)

Anyway, I about died!!! In 2 weeks from now, I will be laying by the beach in Riviera Maya. It's going to be a quick 4 day/3 night trip, but boy could I use it! I won't know any more of the details of the stay until we arrive, but I'll fill you all in when we get home. I just know where I'm going and that I fly out of Cleveland on April 7.


77DDT said...

Sa-weeeeettt!!!! Have a 'rita for me!