Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Man...I have really got to get some work done around here. I feel like my house is a disaster zone and you all know how that stresses me out...LOL!! Hopefully it will be ugly out on Friday because I plan to do a whole house clean that day and it usually takes me about 6 hours to do it...ugh! Oh's good exercise.

I hit an exciting milestone this past Monday. I've debated whether or not to share it on here because I'm pretty self conscious about this, but I'm going to throw caution to the wind and share. I've officially lost 20 pounds!!! As of Monday morning, I've lost 20.8 pounds since January 4. I'm so happy. I've already dropped 2-3 sizes in pants depending on the brand and one size in shirts. I know I still have a lot more weight to lose, but I'm really super proud of myself for all my hard work and discipline. I owe Mary a big thank you!! I asked her to be my accountability partner of sorts. I email her each week with how much I did or didn't loose that week. I have tried losing weight before, but I always give up. I figured if I had to be accountable to someone else it may help me and it has. Whenever I'm tempted, a little voice in the back of my head says "remember...Monday morning...Mary" and I am able to muster up a bit more self control. So thanks to Mary for helping me out and if you see me starting to slide you better tear me a new one...LOL!!

Not too much going on here the rest of this week. Next week looks to be super busy. I am watching Sarah on Monday while Laura takes Rachel to a doctor in Peoria. Thursday I have both girls for the afternoon while Laura gets her stent removed from her kidney surgery. Plus, we have all our normal activities and then getting ready for Easter. I have treat bags to put together for Isaac's class Easter party and baskets to arrange for my own kids. Then, the kids and I are leaving to spend the week of spring break in Ohio. It's kind of become a tradition to spend that week in Ohio. My kids haven't been there since last years spring break, so they are very excited for the trip. They haven't seen my parents since Christmas and they are really missing them, especially Isaac.


Stacy said...

Way to go! Good job! Can't wait to see you guys when you come and for you to meet the boys!

Mary said...

You've done great! It's very noticeable now. You won't slide, you are too afraid of me.