Sunday, March 21, 2010

Married Life Live

I love our church!!! A few times a year, they have an event called Married Life Live. We usually try to go because it is always so much fun. They always have the band playing live music, dinner from a yummy place...last night was Basta, games and a short talk by Pastor Bill encouraging us to be sure to take time out of life to spend time together as a couple. Last night he talked about the importance of dating your spouse...after the wedding...and encouraged us to go on at least one date a month for the next 6 months.

Last night, Wayne and I got recruited to participate in a game similar to the newlywed game. It was pretty funny. I was given a list of 6 different foods, TV shows and types of dates. I had to rank them 1-6 and then Wayne had to front of 175 of our favorite church I ranked them. He did pretty good!

They also played this video, which I thought was hysterical. I guess it shows the sense of humor our pastors have. I laughed so hard that my face hurt by the end of the song. Really...take a few minutes to watch it. You will not regret it. Enjoy!


Mary said...

Very hilarious!