Saturday, April 03, 2010

Easter Celebration

Today was a busy day! We spent the morning packing. Packing me for Ohio, packing the kids for Ohio, packing me for Mexico, packing Wayne for Mexico...lots of packing!!! But, we're 99% done! Thank goodness. We just have a few things to throw in that we use daily and that's it. The kids are beyond excited to go to Grandma and Grandpa's house. Isaac is telling anyone who will listen that he is "going to Grandma and Grandpa's next Monday." It's cute. Unfortunately, right now the weather forcast for the part of Mexico we are going to is terrible. They are calling for rain every single day. Hopefully it will change since we are still several days out.

This afternoon, Laura, Eric and the girls came over to celebrate Easter. We had a nice dinner and an Easter Egg hunt. I think the kids had a great time! They all got lots of great goodies from the Easter Bunny.

Cousins...I just realized that they are in order of their least I think. I cannot remember 100% who was born first...Rachel or Sarah...but I am pretty sure it was Sarah. Anyway, they are some good lookin kids!

Our Family

Laura & Eric's Family

Isaac's favorite new bubble blower.

Attack of the three 3 year olds!!!

Laura made this smore cheesecake. It was SO yummy!!