Monday, April 05, 2010

Trip to Ohio

We arrived in Ohio, but it wasn't without incident. About halfway between Indianapolis and the Ohio State Line, a semi hit our van. We were so, so lucky it was such a minor incident. Praise God! I was passing the semi when it suddenly started going into my lane. I slowed down and pulled to the median as far as I could, but there was a concrete wall there, so I couldn't get over far enough and he clipped my mirror with the back corner of his trailer. Man, it scared me!!!

My first instinct was to just stop, but then I realized that he kept going. I called 911 and caught back up to the semi and motioned for him to roll down his window and told him to pull over that he just hit me. So, we got off at the next exit and met the state police at the gas station. The driver was extremely nice and felt really bad. He said he saw me at the last second and really though he had gotten over in time and didn't realize he hit me until I pulled up next to him and he saw the damage. Luckily, the only thing he hit was my passenger side mirror. It ripped it right off the side of my van. My dad already called his local Honda dealer and I am taking my van by tomorrow morning to get the part ordered and they can have it fixed before I head home next Monday. Yeah! The claims department of the trucking company called me already and seems to be very easy to work with, so I don't think that will be any problem.

Other things I noticed along my drive today...

- The town of Goodfield got a traffic light...Woo Hoo...they hit the big time!
- Taking 2 Vivran with a soda is probably a bit more caffeine than I need. I was so jittery...LOL!
- My favorite billboard of Peyton Manning is no longer hanging along 38th street in Indianapolis.
- You can see Lucas Oil Stadium (Colts new stadium) from I-65 in downtown Indianapolis.
- A semi can hit you while driving 75 MPH on the interstate and you can all walk away unharmed...miracle!
- Indiana still seems the most heavily policed state I've ever traveled through.
- Amish Country in Ohio smells like horse poop.
- Never trust because wearing a sweater to travel on a day with a high that was supposed to be around 70 but turned out to be 85 really stinks!

I'm happy to be here visiting family and looking forward to meeting Wayne in Cleveland Wednesday night so we can leave for Mexico on Thursday morning.


Mary said...

So glad you made it safely! That was stressful!