Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Ohio - Day 2

Today has been a nice day. I got up and took my van to the Honda dealership so they could get my new mirror assembly ordered. It should arrive by tomorrow and my van should be all fixed up before I head to Mexico with Wayne.

We went for an early lunch with my parents and then everyone but my dad headed to visit my cousin Stacy and her new twin boys, Mason and Logan. Oh...the cuteness of them was too much! I could have held those boys all day long. I got to feed Logan and he was even kind enough to puke all down my leg. LOL!

After that, I dropped off my mom because she and my dad had an appointment to go to and I took the kids to the park. The weather was gorgeous and we needed to be outside!!! I stopped by another cousins house, Kristie, on our way back from the park. She wasn't there, but I visited with her husband and her 6 year old twins for a bit. I also got to meet her 10 month old daughter for the first time and she was just beautiful too.

We had dinner tonight at Friendly's. Oh how I love that place. Such good ice cream. Good thing we don't have one anywhere near us in IL. It would be too tempting!

Looking forward to another fun day in Ohio tomorrow and then MEXICO!!!