Friday, April 23, 2010

Rainy Day

It's pretty rare for me to be happy about a rainy day, but I could go for a full out thunderstorm about now. It's been so long. Unfortunately, we are just getting a good rain. My grass will be happy. It's pretty brown still and our irrigation system isn't getting turned on until May 5. So, I'm glad mother nature can help us out.

Isaac and I got groceries this morning and that's about all we've done. He's been playing and I've been trying to get some stuff done. It's kinda nice to have a bad weather day so I don't have to feel bad about staying indoors and getting some things accomplished.

Not too many weekend plans. I have some landscaping projects that need to get done, but it looks like that will have to wait since it's supposed to rain all weekend. Connor and Lindsey have soccer tomorrow and Isaac has his very first t-ball practice on Sunday. He is very excited.