Sunday, May 02, 2010

Air Chair, Cheesecake & Nest

This is just one of those posts full of misc. things!! First...Wayne finally put up one of our Air Chairs. My parents got us these chairs for Christmas last year because they knew I would love sitting in them. They are so comfy!! I could totally sit in it all day and read. It would be so, so relaxing. I wanted to hang them from the front porch because I knew I would get more use out of them, but Wayne said we would look like hillbilly's and veto'd my suggestion. So, to the backyard they go, but I plan to spend more time out back now so I can sit in them. We still have to hang the second one...maybe tomorrow night!

We have three birds nests in our back yard right now. Two had eggs. I say had because the neighborhood gang of 3/4 year olds (Isaac included) found the one nest and smashed the eggs on the ground. Although, you cannot tell Lindsey that because she would be devastated. I told her they hatched early and flew away while she was at school one day the other week...little white lie. She would have seriously cried if I told her the truth. She's has such a soft heart towards animals. Anyway, we aren't telling Isaac about the other nest with eggs and it's hidden well beneath our deck. Lindsey asked if she could take one of the two empty nests to school to show her class, so we bagged it up tonight. Don't you love her gloves?? She didn't want to be "contaminated" by the nest...LOL!

This was my first official "baked" cheesecake. I made it for our small group this afternoon. It was a chocolate chip cheesecake and Wayne said it was awesome! I thought it tasted good, but he's much more into cheesecake than me.