Monday, May 03, 2010


Isaac is playing his first ever organized sport. I was a little nervous about signing him up for T-Ball because I wasn't certain how he would do, but I decided to go with it. Wayne is one of his coaches and is slightly frustrated with the little guy, but I thought he did pretty good for his first time out. Hopefully he will be less temperamental as the games go on.

It was so funny to watch the game!! There were several kids in tears at one time or another, one boy ran from 3rd base to the dugout instead of going to home base and one time...the ENTIRE team ran to the outfield to chase a ground ball that slid past them all. It was like watching a comedy act instead of a baseball game. We had many, many laughs!

Sorry about the fence in the pictures. Wayne is going to teach me how to take pictures behind a fence and apparently it won't even show the fence. But for yesterday, this was the best I could do.

Isaac and coach daddy getting ready.

Isaac's turn to bat. This is his favorite part!

Strike One! He actually spun in a full circle. Wayne has to teach him to plant his feet.

Isaac running home for a score!

Jumping on home base! Connor was the bat boy for the team.

Back out there getting ready.

A mad Isaac taking off his glove because "Coach Mike told me to get the ball and that other boy got to it first." Ha Ha! He was upset that the other boy didn't share. Cracks me up!

A patient coach dad getting his glove back on him.

Loved this picture. The two boys in front of Isaac are my friend, Tiffany's, twin boys. Their dad is Coach Mike.

This is the entire team heading out to the field to go after that stray grounder. We laughed so hard!!

A mad Isaac...Again! He didn't get to the grounder first.

A less patient coach dad explaining that you have to leave your glove on and not get mad about these things.

Game over!


Tiffany said...

cuuuuttttee! isaac looks adorable! looks like he did a great job.

Mary said...

Well, Ryan would probably punch the other kids in the face if they they got to the ball first so at least Isaac only threw off his glove. Not really but he is SO competitive! He's either going to be VERY good at sports or very pissed off all the time when he's playing. He only wants to WIN! Ryan has basically lost his tempermental personatlity in every aspect of his life now except sports. I doubt I even let him play next year if he can't get a lid on his competitiveness.