Sunday, May 09, 2010

Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day to all my fabulous mommy friends!!!

We had a good/bad day...I'll explain. We woke up early and Lindsey said she wasn't feeling great. She had a sore throat, head ache and tummy ache. I immediately thought Strep because those are all the symptoms. So, I checked her temp and it was normal. My kids always run high fevers when they are sick so I told her she was probably hungry and had nasal drainage from her seasonal allergies. I gave her a Motrin and had her eat breakfast and then we would decide if she felt up to going to church.

Before we left, I got my Mother's Day presents before we left. Wayne and the kids got me a new Hibiscus tree, which is exactly what I asked them to get. They are good...LOL! Lindsey made me a chocolate recipe book at school along with the most wonderful note that made my day. Connor made me something at school too, but forgot it at his that will have to wait until tomorrow, but he said it's a chore basket of some sort.

After breakfast, she said she felt much better. So, we got ready for church and headed out. After church, we went into Peoria to have lunch at Olive Garden. Man...I probably gained 5 pounds at lunch but it was SO darn good!!!! I finally got Isaac to try a bread stick and he "kinda" liked it...silly boy!!! They rock!!

We came home and re-potted my new tree, watered plants, mowed and played out front. Suddenly Lindsey comes to me in tears that she feels really sick. Sore throat, head ache and belly ache. I was roasting and sweating from mowing, so no way could I tell if she felt feverish. I had her go get the thermometer and her temp was 102. So off to prompt care we went. She has strep and has now started a Z-pack. She should be feeling better soon.

We haven't done anything this evening. Lindsey took a bath in my jacuzzi tub to relax and she and Isaac have been watching a movie. Hope you all had a great day. Let's hope no one else gets sick!!!

Here is my note from Lindsey:

My Hibiscus Tree

I love these plants on my garage. They are pouch plants. Annuals that grow down in pouches. They are perfect for the lanterns on the garage. I've never seen anything like this before this year. Love them!!!

I got a matching hanging basket for the front porch.


Mary said...

I'm guessing Miss Schick didn't tell the kids to bring home their gifts because Megan left hers too, which she NEVER does. Nice!