Wednesday, June 02, 2010

It's done

The kids have finished their golf cart for Isaac. I think they did a fabulous job given their supplies. It will probably fall apart within minutes of Isaac seeing it, though. I tried to explain that cardboard, Styrofoam, duct tape and bubble wrap don't make the best vehicles...LOL! Here are some pictures. I told them I would **think** about letting them spray paint it, but I honestly don't think we will have time between now and then. But, they are super proud of it anyway.

I'm still not exactly sure what it going on with Isaac. Wayne wanted me to take him to prompt care last night since his temps were climbing all day and back to the 103 range. The doctor agreed with me that it looks like a bad upper respiratory infection, but he did have a slight ear infection too. Nothing that would warrant the super high fever, though. She went ahead and put him on Zithromax so his ear doesn't worsen. Today is is acting super tired. He's been in bed the past 3 hours and I've tried walking him up twice and he just wants to sleep. His congestion is thicker today and he also sounds like it's more in his chest. He just coughs and coughs!! Hopefully my little guy will kick this soon.