Tuesday, June 01, 2010

I can do it...maybe?!?!

Isaac is sick. What a bummer! It came out of the blue yesterday, as always. He was fine...running around outside all day long and then right before dinner he said "Mommy, I have goosey bumps and I'm so cold." Well...it was almost 90 degrees, so I had a bad feeling. His temp was 103.1. Gave him Motrin and a bath and his temp 30 minutes later was 103.5. Waited 30 more minutes and it was 103.2. So I gave him Tylenol. That got it down just below 102. Today his temps has been steadily going up as the day goes on. I may end up taking him in to the doctor, but for now I'm just waiting. I'm thinking he probably just has a respiratory virus since his symptoms are just high fever, coughing and runny nose. But, if it starts getting more into his chest (which often happens to him) I'll have to take him to be checked out.

So, since we are confined inside for the day Connor and Lindsey decided bright and early that they wanted to get started on a birthday gift for Isaac. Since they know he loves golf carts, they wanted to take all the misc. boxes around here and make a golf cart out of them. I figured that would last all of an hour, but I was wrong. They have been in Lindsey's room almost all day working hard on their project. I just went to check on them and was blown away...by the mess. Holy crap her room looks like a tornado went through it. Those of you who know me best probably assume I totally lost it and had a nervous breakdown at the sight...well...I didn't! I took a deep breath and with a smile reminded them that they had to clean up when they were done. I am doing my best to avoid her room because, quite honestly, I cannot stand the sight of it...LOL! But, I got some pictures of it to prove that I can withstand a very big mess!!

Side view of the golf cart. I know it's a bit odd looking but they are so proud of it and I think it's awesome of them to try so hard to make something for their little brother.

front view


We'll see how it turns out in the end.