Saturday, May 29, 2010

Allergies Stink!

This spring has been the worst seasonal allergies I've had in a very long time! When they started up, I began taking Claritin. Two weeks ago, I added Flonase. That is no longer enough and so I went back to prompt care this morning and got a week of prescription steroids and allergy eye drops. Hopefully this will be enough to get me through this spring! I haven't needed straight steroids like this in years, but I seriously wanted to dig my eyeballs out with a screw driver last night!

The other reason I went to prompt care this morning was for Connor. For the first time ever, he is having massive allergies this spring. I started him on Claritin a few weeks ago too but he has been having nose bleeds NON STOP! Like 4-6 times a day. In addition to the Claritin, I have a cool mist humidifier right by his head when he is sleeping and he is still up 2-3 times a night with bloody noses. His bed looks like a crime scene each morning and I'm so tired of stripping the bed each day. The doctor said the inside of his nose is extremely irritated and raw. I was not surprised by that. He said he seems to have horrible allergies. So, now he is on some antihistamine nasal spray as well as the prescription allergy eye drops. So, he and I are hoping to get some serious relief!!

While I was with Connor this morning, Wayne did loads of yard work while Lindsey and Isaac played outside. I had no desire to even be outside this morning after the way my eyes felt last night, so I felt bad I didn't help mow. But, Wayne didn't care. He has fall allergies, so he knows what I'm going through...just a different time of year.

This afternoon, we headed to Best Buy to get some new outdoor speakers. We have a pair on our covered porch, but Wayne wanted some for the pergola area too. Not sure what else we'll get into this weekend, but I'm excited for the extra day off!