Wednesday, May 26, 2010

4th Graders!

I feel so old. Today was Connor and Lindsey's last full day of Third Grade! That means that I will soon be sending them off to the "big kids" school to be in 4th Grade! It makes me sad! They are growing up to quickly. We got our pool passes for summer and we are looking forward to some lazy days and our July trip to the beach.

Our plans for Isaac's birthday gift have somewhat changed. Last night while we were on a neighborhood walk, Isaac broke his bike. Not on purpose, the chain just got messed up somehow. Wayne got it fixed, but he said it is temporary and I should get him a new bike for his birthday. So after preschool today, I took Isaac to Toys R Us to see what size bike we should buy. His current bike is a 12 inch and was a little small, but worked good since he doesn't use training wheels and needed to be able to touch the ground. I didn't think he would be able to ride a 16 inch without training wheels, but while we were at TRU, I had a salesman take the trainers off one and he could ride it just fine. So, tomorrow while he is at school, I'm going to go back and get one for him. He will be so excited to see it. Of course, Wayne will have to add his kick stand and speedometer too. He'll be thrilled!