Monday, May 24, 2010

Holy Hotness!!

Okay...what happened to spring? It was like 150 degrees out there today!! Just kidding...just in the 90's. I was outside from 1:30 until 7:00 with the exception of about 45 minutes to make and eat dinner. I am beat tonight. I ended the evening with a huge family bike ride, so we are all feeling pretty tired tonight. That darn Isaac, though, kept wanting me to see his new trick which was him riding on the bike with no hands on the handle bars. That kid is crazy daring!!! I told him if he does that again he will be done riding bikes.

Lindsey ended up with Strep Throat again over the weekend. I had her back at prompt care and the nurse practitioner said she had just read an article last week about a Zithromax resistant strain of Strep. Lindsey took Zithromax 2 weeks ago when she had it, so the nurse assumed this was the strain Lindsey has and it just never got completely cleared up. So, she's on another antibiotic now. She was feeling "100 times better" she said today, so I was happy to hear that. We caught it really early on, so she didn't get as sick as she did a few weeks ago. Hopefully the rest of us can avoid getting sick.

Since Lindsey was feeling so good today, she and I had some girl time while Isaac was at preschool and Connor was at school. She probably could have gone to school today, but since she was feverish yesterday, I thought it best to keep her out until Tuesday. She and I got pedicures and did a little birthday shopping for Isaac. Wayne decided to pimp Isaac's ride for his birthday. LOL! Isaac is dying to have a kick stand for his bike now that his training wheels are off, so I bought him one of those. He just sees them on the big kids bikes and wants one too. He also wants a "clock" on his bike. Wayne and I both have speedometers on our bikes and Isaac has asked and asked for one on his bike. So, we are getting him one of those. Don't all 12 inch bikes need a speedometer?? Then again, don't all 4 year olds want golf cart parties?? I'm telling ya...he's an odd ball.

Isaac has 4 more days of school this week and he's done. Connor and Lindsey have 2 full days and 1 short day for report card pick up and then school is out for them. We are looking forward to days at the pool and a relaxing summer schedule. I will love having lazy mornings where no one is rushing out the door. No alarms to be set!! Yeah!!