Thursday, May 20, 2010

Awards Assembly

Today was the 3rd grade awards assembly. I was a proud Mom. Lindsey got the Reading award and Connor got both a Reading and Math award. Unfortunately, I didn't have the card in my camera and didn't realize it until part way through the assembly, so I don't have any pictures from when Lindsey got her certificate. I know Mary did, so I'll post it after she sends it to me. Here are some pictures.

Lindsey and Mrs. Kosbab, the principal.

Both kids with Mrs. Kosbab.

Isaac has been doing a special program at his preschool this week. It's called "cool school" and it's every day this week and next. I can honestly say that I'm not enjoying it so much. I feel like I've barely been at home all week and I am getting so behind around the house. Oh's just for 2 weeks.

I ended up going to the doctor today. I've been feeling a little cruddy for about 5 days now. Nothing major...just sore throat, drainage, sneezing, coughing, swollen glands. I woke up today and my eye was all goopy and red so I figured I either had pink eye or my cold virus had moved into my eyes. The gave me antibiotics and eye drop antibiotics and nasal spray. She said my sinuses were inflamed and throat looked nasty, so hopefully I will be on the mend soon.