Friday, October 15, 2010

Almost there...

I see light at the end of the tunnel...LOL!

This has been the craziest fall ever for our family. With all 3 kids in sports, there is certainly some juggling to be done. I have to admit, as hard as it was having Wayne coach football and as much as I was against him doing it, I will probably let him do it next year. It definitely adds stress for me, but he does such a good job coaching those boys. I am truly impressed by it. Connor's football team has a fabulous set of coaches. They aren't just good "football" coaches, but they are great men who stress the importance of school work and character too, which isn't something they "have" to do.

Soccer is almost done!!!! YEAH!!!! Lindsey is pretty much over it and Isaac seems to have lost interest long ago....if he ever was interested...not sure?!?! Lindsey did score her first goal of the season at her last game and I was super proud of her. They both have games tomorrow, end of the season parties tomorrow and then one final game on Monday night. Then they are finished. Football still has 3 more weeks of games to play, but in November, we just might get to have family dinner again. :)

I'm going this Wednesday to meet with the doctor who is going to do my Carpel Tunnel release surgery. I'm going to try to get both hands done before the end of 2010. This wasn't my original goal, but with all the new medical bills of late, we are very close to reaching our Max Family Out of Pocket, so it makes the most financial sense to get both of these surgeries done this year. Unfortunately, it doesn't give me as much time as I'd like to recover from one before doing the other, but I'm sure I'll make it work. I'm really not looking forward to losing the use of my right hand for any time at all. It's going to be a real challenge to do much!