Saturday, October 09, 2010

Panther Game

We had such a great time at the Washington Panther game last night. This was the first time Isaac and I had gone to a game and he did really well. I will definitely start taking him to more of them. He loved watching Zoe, our babysitter, who is a varsity cheerleader. I think he has a little crush on her. He clapped and yelled "Go Zoe" all night! It was funny.

Lindsey went to the panther dance clinic last weekend, so she got to perform a pregame dance routine that she learned. She was nervous but she did a great job!! She had a lot of fun.

Being a part of JFL, Connor gets to go down to the field each week and form a tunnel for the varsity team to come through. He loves doing that and giving the "big boys" a high 5 before the game.

Here are some pictures of our night.

Isaac & Zoe

Lindsey is pretty much centered in these. She's in the front right very close to the instructor. She has a black panther paw on her cheek.

Connor is down there....somewhere....I promise. :)

This was the first time I've been to a high school football game since my hometown games. This was WAY different. First of all, the visiting team didn't have a locker all! At half time, they just go sit in the end zone on the field. The stadium, as a whole, is much smaller than what I grew up around. Wayne and Mike Higgins assured me that this is how high school football really is...unless you grow up in Ohio or Texas. I'm sure he's right. I'm used to a stadium more suited for a college than a high school team. But, we totally had fun and our team was awesome!!! I was amazed at some of the plays they made. They had a huge win....61-13.


momandadcharlton said...

Lindsey looks really nervous but I hope she had fun. I can remember when Samantha would go to these clinics and she looked a lot like Lindsey, so focused on doing the right thing. I'm glad everyone had a good time.