Friday, November 12, 2010

Overdue Update

Sorry I haven't been updating, but can you imagine typing with this on your hand... kinda gets in the way! But, it's getting removed this Monday along with the stitches underneath and I'm anxious to move on to the next step in the healing process. Overall, the surgery and post op hasn't been terribly painful. That's good because I was hoping not to dread hand surgery #2 which is next month.

I had Isaac's preschool conferences today and heard nothing but positive things from his teacher. I was very proud of him because I really didn't know what to expect. I just hoped it would be good news. Before I left, Isaac said "I know what my teachers will say today. They will say he is a good friend and shares good."

Connor and Lindsey are doing good. School is definitely a bit more intense this year, but they are enjoying their classes and teachers. Life has really slowed down around here now that football and soccer are over. Lindsey is still doing piano and Connor will start basketball sometime next month.

This week, Wayne's boss asked him to take the next session of Management for the 21st Century at Bradley University. It is a Caterpillar program that is somewhat like an accelerated MBA focused on the CAT Corporation. Wayne already has his MBA, but since this is different and it's apparently a privilege to be asked, he is going to do it. He will have class twice a week for a few hours at a time, which is during his workday. However, it will also require some outside time too. It starts in January and lasts 6 months. Congrats to Wayne for being invited to participate in this special program.