Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Trains & Hand Update

Yesterday was a PJ day in the Sinks House. Well, I just wore comfy clothes, but Isaac stayed in his PJ's all day. We had nothing on the schedule and it was awesome to just relax. Yesterday afternoon, Isaac and I were having a conversation about how many Thomas Trains we have and how many more he wants for Christmas...which is 6 more! (Those Thomas people know what they are doing by introducing new movies every so often with the same old favorite trains along with a few new ones) Isaac watches Thomas on Netflix just about every day, so I think he knows about all the trains by now. I asked him if he thought if he lined his trains up across his room would they stretch the whole way across. He said "No!" and I told him to give it a try. Wow...was he ever surprised!! Here is his train line...

It stretched across his room in the longest part, then across the hall and half way into the kids bathroom. Does he still think he needs 6 more trains for Christmas...Yes, of course.

On Monday, I went to the Orthopedic surgeon to have my stitches removed from my hand and to get my cast off. Everything went well. It wasn't the most uncomfortable experience of my life, but wasn't exactly pleasant either. Isaac was so cute. When they started to take the stitches out, he walked across the room, grabbed my hand and said "Mommy, I'll hold your hand so you can be brave. Don't cry...I'm here." I think the nurses heart melted right then and there.

Anyway, if you are into gore and gross, below is a nasty picture of my hand pre stitches removal. It's pretty bruised still in the palm as you can see in the picture. Right now, I have Steri Strips across the incision, but 2 of the 6 came off tonight in the shower. I'm guessing the other 4 will come off soon. The doctor said they would only last 2-3 days and it's been 2 days already. I have to keep my hand in a splint for the next three weeks, but I can remove it to shower or do anything else that requires my hand getting dirty or wet. I still have restrictions on what I can lift, but I really think things are healing very well. I did accidentally pull my van back hatch down today with my right hand and HOLY MOLY did that hurt!!! Stupid, stupid me!!