Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sorry & Hand Update

Sorry to my blog followers. I've been terrible at keeping up with my blog lately. What can I's been a busy month and I've just not felt like it. However, I had some time on my hands tonight while Wayne took the kids Christmas shopping, so I just did a bunch of updates. Enjoy!!

I should also update about my hand. I am SO THANKFUL I finally am getting my hands fixed. You cannot image how much I love my right hand now. I no longer keeps me up at night by going cold and tingly due to a loss of circulation. I've dealt with this for so many years that it is just so awesome for me!!!!! Unfortunately, I am stubborn and controlling and I regularly overdue it with my hand and hamper my recovery. I'd say right now my hand is about 85-90% back to normal, but some days it can really bother me. However, my snow blowing, cookie baking, gift wrapping, furniture moving and refusal to stop are the main causes of this discomfort. So, I really cannot complain. It's just hard. It's the holidays and I don't want to give up any fun activities for the kids, so I just get through it...take some motrin...and promise to take it easy for a day or two. This past week was a real breakthrough for me. I can finally open a brand new milk jug or apple juice bottle. I had been unable to do this because my grasp wasn't strong enough, but now I can do it! It's the little things that make me happy... :)

My second hand surgery is Dec. 28th and I'm counting down the days. After going through it once and knowing what to expect, I'm not a bit anxious about it. I'm actually looking forward to it. I've been using my left hand so much more lately and it's been keeping me up most nights. I cannot wait to sleep an entire night without having to shake my hands awake a few times. It's beyond comprehension for me at this point.

My parents are coming here on Dec. 26 and I/We cannot wait to see them. It's been almost 6 long months since we were last together, which has to be one of the longest stretches ever. But with the kids being in school now and my Mom having some health problems, neither of us has been able to make the drive at all this fall. They should be here almost a week and I'm thrilled!!!