Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day

Valentines day was mostly a success around here. We are on Hallmark card overload with lots of handmade cards from the kids, which are my favorite. Wayne gave me beautiful flowers and I can say I felt the love from everyone. Lindsey and I tried to make a special candle lit dinner for us, but unfortunately the boys complaining essentially ruined the meal. I'm over the dinner time complaining in this house, but Mary gave me some great tips and I have some plans...so we'll see if things improve.

The kids and I survived our first of Wayne's many upcoming business trips last week. If it weren't for the whole carbon monoxide detector disaster, it would have been completely perfect. Our detector continued to act up, so we have it down for now and are waiting for a new one to arrive. We think this one is no longer working properly since it keeps going off when there is no CO. We aren't sure when Wayne will have to travel again. His "official" start date for his new job is April 1 because they need him at his old job until they have a replacement. He will still have responsibilities for his new job, though, as well. So, hopefully everything will transition smoothly for him. He will be moving from the E. Peoria building to the Admin Bldg. in downtown Peoria. He's not worked in that building before, so it will be a completely new experience.

Tonight is the Presidential Wax Museum that the 4th graders are doing. That is pretty much all we have on the calender this week except for a doctor appt for me tomorrow and a work dinner for Wayne on Thursday. It should be a pretty relaxing week.