Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring has Sprung!

We are absolutely LOVING this warm weather!! We have been spending every spare moment outdoors and are enjoying catching up with the neighbors and seeing how much all the kids have grown over the winter.

Since my last real update, Lindsey had a slight setback. She got strep throat AGAIN! Hopefully it was just a little bump in the road and she won't continue to get it now that her tonsils are gone. I will feel horrible if she does!! She is finishing her antibiotics today, so only time will tell. While she was home recovering, she and I made silly cupcakes from a cupcake book we bought at Kohls.

Lindsey was thrilled when her new American Girl doll, Kanai arrived last week. We had told her she could pick one out if she was brave during her surgery and recovery and she picked the 2011 girl of the year.

Lindsey and I had a great time at a "girl party" this past weekend. My friend, Kristen, invited a group of us and our daughters to her house. We had snacks, played games, and had a dance tournament on Just Dance 2. It was so much fun!! I took some shots of Lindsey before we left because I thought she looked so darn cute. She is growing up way too fast!

Connor's basketball team made it to the Championship game this past weekend, but couldn't pull off the win. However, second place in the league isn't too shabby. He had a great season with a nice group of boys and a coach who seemed to really enjoy him.

Connor's biggest fan!!

My mom is continuing to improve after her most recent hospital stay. She had her PIC line removed last week and she's done with her antibiotics. She is going to be seeing a surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic in a few weeks to look into a surgery to help people with severe reflux, so hopefully this won't happen again!!