Friday, March 25, 2011

Day of Reports

We have had a good week at the Sinks house! On Tuesday, I took Lindsey for her ENT follow up. They said everything is healing as it should. We also stopped by Old Navy to exchange all the shorts I had bought her for the next smaller size since they are all too big now.

Today was Isaac's preschool conference and Connor and Lindsey's report card day. At Isaac's conference, his teachers had nothing but wonderful things to say about him. He is doing great and is very much ready for kindergarten in the fall. Connor and Lindsey did great on their report cards. Lindsey had straight A's and Connor had 2 B's and the rest A's, so I was very proud of both of them.

Tonight, I tried to buy an iPad 2 only to drive all the way to Best Buy and be told that they had sold out of them. I had called prior to leaving home and they told me they had 3, so I was bummed. Oh well....I bought it online tonight, so we'll just have to wait 3-4 weeks.

Connor and Lindsey had Kids for Christ tonight, so Isaac and I made a quick trip to Menards. We needed to buy new swings for our swingset since the blizzard broke ours right in half.

I better go. I told Connor I'd watch the OSU basketball game with him and it's on...but I'm paying no attention to it. Man, I really dislike basketball!