Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My heart is in Ohio

Since my last post, Wayne made it home from Germany safely and Isaac started spring soccer and registered for Kindergarten. Kindergarten...time flies!!

Today I am so sad. My Mom is sick again and was in the ER again last night. I know I haven't really explained the details to a lot of you, but I *believe* I understand exactly what is going on. I'll try to recap for you....

My Mom has been vomiting at night, several nights a week, for well over a decade. She was diagnosed with GERD long ago and has taken a variety of prescription meds for it and was told that was basically all they could do. Well, about a month ago, she was really sick with a respiratory issue that had her in the ER 3 times in 2 weeks at night for being unable to breath. After 4 days in the hospital, lab work, chest x-rays and an open lung biopsy the doctors said she had Aspiration Pneumonia and started her on strong antibiotics to heal her. They told her had it gone untreated another day or so, she likely would have died. After a week in the hospital, she was discharged with a PIC line in place and continued to receive IV antibiotics for 2 weeks at home. The PIC line was removed last week and this past weekend was the first time in close to a month that she was starting to sound healthy again. It brought me so much joy to hear her voice sounding stronger!

As of Monday, I could hear in her voice that she was getting sick again. Her voice was raspy and she sounded tired. She called her pulmonary doctor that morning and he put her on a Z-pack and told her he would see her on Thursday, as she had an appt. already scheduled for that day. She has declined rapidly since then and was in the ER again last night unable to breath and is in fact there again right now as I type. She and my dad are certain it is the exact same thing again.

There is some relatively new surgical procedure that can be done to people with severe GERD like her, but she knew nothing about it until last month. She is supposed to be meeting with a specialist at Cleveland Clinic who performs this surgery, but they need her to be healthy to do it and right now, that seems almost impossible without a steady flow of IV antibiotics.

My poor parents have just been through the ringer the past few years. Mom has had several major health problems, (skull lesion, major back surgery, episodes of Anaphylactic Shock) none of which are related to each other, and I just don't know how much more than can take. Please take a moment to pray for our family if you can. My Mom isn't just my Mom...she is my best friend and I don't say that lightly. I mean it!